
The header <kitty/constructors.hpp> implements operations to construct truth tables.



Creates truth table with number of variables.

create_nth_var(tt, var_index, complement)

Constructs projections (single-variable functions)

nth_var(num_vars, var_index, complement)

Constructs projections (single-variable functions) out-of-place.

create_from_binary_string(tt, binary)

Constructs truth table from binary string.

create_from_hex_string(tt, hex)

Constructs truth table from hexadecimal string.

create_from_raw(tt, in)

Creates string from raw character data.

create_random(tt, seed)

Constructs a truth table from random value.


Constructs a truth table from random value.

create_from_words(tt, begin, end)

Constructs a truth table from a range of words.

create_from_cubes(tt, cubes, esop)

Creates truth table from cubes representation.

create_from_clauses(tt, clauses, esop)

Creates truth table from clause representation.


Constructs majority-n function.

create_threshold(tt, threshold)

Constructs threshold function.

create_equals(tt, bitcount)

Constructs equals-k function.

create_symmetric(tt, counts)

Constructs symmetric function.


Constructs parity function over n variables.

create_from_chain(tt, steps, error)

Constructs truth table from Boolean chain.

create_from_chain(tt, in, error)

Constructs truth table from Boolean chain.

create_multiple_from_chain(num_vars, tts, steps, error)

Constructs truth tables from Boolean chain.

create_multiple_from_chain(num_vars, tts, in, error)

Constructs truth tables from Boolean chain.

create_characteristic(tt, from)

Creates characteristic function.

create_from_expression(tt, expression, input_tts)

Creates truth table from textual expression.

create_from_expression(tt, expression)

Creates truth table from textual expression.


Creates function where on-set corresponds to prime numbers.

create_from_formula(tt, expression, var_names)

Creates a truth table from a Boolean formula.